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Pest solutions for your home, lawn and garden.
African Violet Food
Bonide African Violet Plant Food 7-10-7 is a liquid fertilizer ideally formulated for African Violets and other houseplants.
All Seasons Oil
For organic gardening. A superior type of paraffinic oil that may be used as a growing season spray, dormant spray (no leaves) or delayed dormant (green tip) spray to control pests.
Bonide Hose End Sprayer Auto Mix
36oz capacity - Automatically mixes and applies. Connects directly to Bonide quart concentrate bottles. Twelve settings with three spray patterns.
Bontone Rooting Powder
Promotes development, works on bulbs and seeds, stimulates root production, works for a variety of plants, and ideal for transplants.
Brush Killer BK-32 Concentrate
Bonide Brush Killer BK-32 kills the toughest brush without compromising lawn quality. Systemic action works on contact and attacks everything down to the root. Rainproof in hours.
Burnout Weed & Grass
Bonide Burn Out Weed & Grass Killer kills all types of actively growing weeds and grasses. Great for use around borders, driveways, sidewalks, around the base of mature trees, around buildings, fence lines, barns ...
Captain Jack's Deadbug
Bonide Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew - Spinosad products are convenient, economical and perfect for vegetable or flower garden spot treatment. Kills bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moth, ...
Captain Jack's Deadweed Brew
Bonide Captain Jack's Deadweed Brew provides fast-acting control of weeds, grass, mosses, & algae within hours. It is great for use on visible weeds within vegetable & flower gardens, landscaped areas, & lawns.
Captain Jack's Neem Max
Bonide Captain Jack's Neem Max is a perfect pest control solution for any garden dealing with mites, flies, mildew, and more.
Citrus, Fruit & Nut Spray
Bonide Citrus, Fruit & Nut Orchard Spray is an all natural, all in one, insect and disease control concentrate that is ideal for the customer that prefers a natural choice.
Copper Fungicide
Bonide Copper Fungicide Liquid is a patented formulation that protects a wide range of plants from blight, leaf spots, downy mildew, anthracnose and certain other fungal diseases.
DuraTurf Crabgrass Plus
BONIDE DuraTurf Crabgrass Plus is a post-emergent weed killer formulated for home lawn use. It kills many different weeds at many stages of development. Kills crabgrass, foxtail, goosegrass, and other listed weeds.
Eight Insect Control
Bonide Eight Flower & Vegetable Insect Control provides outstanding surface and subsurface insect control, specifically designed for vegetable and flower garden use.
Eight Insect Control Garden & Home Spray
Bonide Eight Garden & Home Insect Control controls over 100 different insect pests on vegetables, fruits, roses, flowers, lawns, shrubs, trees, over 60 varieties of ornamentals and house plants.
Eight Insect Control Yard & Garden Spray
Bonide Eight Yard & Garden Insect Control can be used as a general home and grounds spray to keep out invading ants, ticks, mosquitoes, fleas and flies.
Fruit Tree & Plant Guard
Bonide Fruit Tree & Plant Guard provides dual action insect and disease protection on fruit trees, nut trees, flowers, shrubs, and ornamentals.
Fruit Tree Spray
Bonide Fruit Tree Spray is a complete liquid fruit tree spray with no-plug nozzles. Excellent for the home orchardist.
Go Away Deer & Rabbit
Bonide Go Away Deer and Rabbit Repellent is designed specifically for deer and rabbits. Protects gardens and valuable landscaping.
Go Away Rabbit, Dog, & Cat Granules
Bonide Go Away! Rabbit, Dog & Cat Repellent effectively repels rabbits, dogs, and cats from around your home and garden area.
Insecticidal Soap Spray
Bonide Insecticidal Soap Multi Purpose Insect Control kills insects on contact. Great for houseplants, vegetables, flowers and fruits.
Insecticidal Super Soap
Bonide Insecticidal Super Soap is an exclusive combination of insecticidal soap plus Spinosad. Use on vegetables, fruits, citrus, flowers and more.
Kleenup Weed & Grass Killer
Bonide KleenUP Grass & Weed Killer is tough, fast-acting and water based formula of systemic. Kills green plants, roots and all. Great for use around walks, driveways, flower beds, shrubs and trees.
Liquid Fertilizer Houseplant Food
Bonide Liquid Plant Food 10-10-10 is a balanced fertilizer ideally formulated for houseplants. Just 7 drops per qt. of water for a lush, healthy plant.
MoleMax Repellent Granules
Bonide MOLEMAX Mole & Vole Repellent repels moles, voles, gophers, rabbits, armadillos and skunks in lawns, flowerbeds and gardens.