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Bulbs & Seeds
Evergreen Nursery carries a wide variety of bulbs and seeds perfect for your flower or vegetable garden. At this time, only a curated selection are available online, so come visit our nursery where our expert staff can advise you on the perfect bulbs and seeds for you and the right products to care for them.
Dahlia 'Caproz Pizzazz'
Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms fuschia all summer long.
Dahlia Dinner Plate Kelvin Floodlight #1 clump 2pp
Dahlia Decorative 'Kelvin Floodlight': Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long. Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.
Dahlia 'Kogane Fubuki'
Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms pink and yellow all summer long.
Dahlia DP 'Babylon Red'
Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms red all summer long.
Dahlia 'Creme de Cassis'
Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms purple to pink all summer long.
Begonia picotee 'Yellow'
Beautiful foliage supports large, yellow-orange, showy flowers that are much larger than those grown from seed.
Dahlia Cactus Black Diamond Blend
Dahlia Cactus 'Black Diamond Blend': Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long. Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.
Dahlia Dinner Plate Rip City #1 clump
Dahlia Decorative 'Rip City': Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long. Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.
Begonia splendide Ballerina Apricot 5/6 2pp
Begonia Splendide Ballerina 'Apricot': Beautiful foliage supports large showy flowers that are much larger than those grown from seed. Easy to grow in partial to full shade in well-drained soil.
Gladiolus '4th of July Blend'
Sword-like foliage produces a tall flower stalk adorned with funnel-shaped, red, white & blue blooms that open from the bottom of the stem to the top.
Gladiolus 'Purple Blend'
Sword-like foliage produces a tall flower stalk adorned with funnel-shaped, purple & pink blooms that open from the bottom of the stem to the top.
Dahlia DP 'Red Empire'
Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms red to white tips all summer long.
Gladiolus Large Flowering Louise 12/14 10pp
Large Flowering 'Louise' has sword-like foliage and produces a tall flower stalk adorned with pale pink and white funnel-shaped blooms that open from the bottom of the stem to the top. Easy to grow. Deer resistant. A beautiful cut flower.
Dahlia Decorative Moonlight Blend
Dahlia 'Moonlight Blend': Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long. Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.
Netherland Bulb
Gladiolus Large Flowering Natan 12/14cm
Gladiolus Large Flowering 'Natan': Sword-like foliage produces a tall stalk adorned with funnel-shaped blooms that open from the bottom of the stem to the top. Gladiolus are extremely easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil in full sun. Deer resistant.
Dahlia Dinner Plate Snow Country
Dahlia Dinner Plate 'Snow Country': Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long. Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.
Netherland Bulb
Dahlia Dinner Plate Ferncliff Illusion #1 Clump
Dinner Plate Dahlia 'Ferncliff Illusion': Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long. Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.
Dahlia Decorative Mister Optimist #1 clump
Dahlia Decorative 'Mister Optimist': Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long. Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.
Dahlia Pompon Golden Scepter #1 Clump
Dahlia Pompon 'Golden Scepter': Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long. Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.
Dahlia Dinner Plate Mystery Day #1 clump
Dahlia Dinner Plate 'Mystery Day': Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long. Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.
Dahlia semi-cactus Tahiti Sunrise #1 clump
Dahlia Semi Cactus 'Tahiti Sunrise': Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long. Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.
Dahlia Decorative Hapet Daydream #1 clump
Dahlia Decorative 'Hapet Daydream': Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms all summer long. Easy to grow in moist, fertile soil in full sun.