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Bulbs & Seeds
Evergreen Nursery carries a wide variety of bulbs and seeds perfect for your flower or vegetable garden. At this time, only a curated selection are available online, so come visit our nursery where our expert staff can advise you on the perfect bulbs and seeds for you and the right products to care for them.
Gladiolus 'Purple Blend'
Sword-like foliage produces a tall flower stalk adorned with funnel-shaped, purple & pink blooms that open from the bottom of the stem to the top.
Begonia 'Bouton de Rose'
Beautiful foliage supports large round showy flowers that are much larger than those grown from seed.
Begonia odorata 'Sunny Dream'
Delightful, fragrant, and elegant light yellow flowers that are ideal for containers.
Dahlia 'Catching Fire'
Upright stems support a Dutch summer favorite that blooms red centers to white tips all summer long.